<szymborska's "funeral">
2002-11-25.12:04 a.m.

Wislawa Szymborska

--so suddenly, who could have guessed
--nerves, and cigarettes, I did warn him
--passably, thank you
--unwrap those flowers
--in his brother's case it was the heart, must be in the family
--I would never recognise you with that beard
--only himself to blame, always mixed up in something
--that new one was the speak, can't see him
--Kazek's in Warsaw, Tadek's abroad
--only you were clever enough to take an umbrella
--he was the ablest--doesn't matter now
--it's a connecting room, Basia won't agree
--yes, he was right, but that's no excuse
--door varnishing included--guess how much
--two yolks, a spoonful of sugar
--not his business, shouldn't have meddled
--only in blue and only in small sizes
--five times and never any answer
--all right, I could have, and so could you
--at least she held down that little job
--no idea, probably relatives
--the priest's quite a Belmondo
--I've never been in this part of the cemetery
--I dreamt about him last week, had a premonition
--the daughter is quite pretty
--we're all in the same boat
--condolences to the widow, must rush
--but it used to sound more dignified in Latin
--it's all in the past now
--goodbye, Marta
--let's find a beer somewhere
--give me a ring, we'll talk
--catch a 4 or a 12
--I go this way
--we go over there

back /& forth /& frosting
names are often sad