<grass' "writing">
2002-11-25.12:54 a.m.

G�nter Grass

In reality
����the glass was filled only hip high.
��������Plump, well-rounded. Lies in the dregs.
Engrave syllables.
Live next to the garbage disposal unit
and distinguish between a stench and a smell.
Deprive the cake of its springform.
����in their cases
��������can't fall over.
That, often interrupted, is how my thoughts went.
When does the milk grow funny?
Measure progress in crayfish gait.
Wait patiently until metal tires.
Let the bridge slowly,
����so that the writing keeps pace,
Before that, calculate its value as scrap.
Sentences bid farewell to sentences.
When politics
��������the weather's way of speaking:
A high-pressure belt over Russia.
At home
����to have gone abroad; on travels
����to remain at home.
We will not change the climate.
Only na�vet�
����wants to make something live,
��������declare it dead.
Be stupid, always want to begin from scratch.
Please remind me as soon as I say
hay fever or the Corso of Flowers in Zoppot.
Retrospectively look out of the window.
Rhymes for snipes' droppings.
Loudly join in when anyone's talking nonsense.
Urbin, that's it!--Urbin, that's it!
Hit on the imprecise thing precisely.
����are full of old admission tickets.
��������Where is the car key?
Delete the car key.
Compassion with verbs.
Believe in the eraser.
Conjure an umbrella in the Lost and Found.
Bulldoze the moment with the rolling pin.
And take the connections apart again.
����Because...due to...when...so that...to...
��������comparisons and similar adhesive aids.
This story must come to an end.
Conclude with a colon:
I'm coming back. I'm coming back.
Remain cheerful in a vacuum.
Steal only things of one's own.
����more skillfully executed.
��������Not adorn--write: 

back /& forth /& frosting
names are often sad